Publisher / Author Services

Publisher Services

Manuscript preparation - Helping authors to prepare manuscript ready for submission

Accuracy checking - Checking the plagiarism percentage (Similarity check with iThenticate)

Copyediting - Ensuring the manuscript is formatted for the targeted publication, and that all references are complete and correct (level 1,2, & 3)

Language polishing - Shaping the manuscript in terms of Language for the non-English authors

Developmental Editing - Shaping of the content, may involve total rewriting or reorganization of the text

Substantive Editing - Deals with the organization and presentation of content, may involve rewriting passages and restructuring tables to make them clearer. This is especially useful for authors who are not native speakers of English

Mechanical Editing - Includes revising a manuscript for consistent spelling, style, and usage without otherwise changing its content

Editorial proofreading - This includes only skimming the manuscript for obvious typos or inconsistencies

One-2-One proofreading

Permission Management - This includes investigating which works used within your manuscript require permission from the rights-holder to republish, securing those rights, and providing documentation of these secured rights

Indexing - Creating Back index (subject / author)

Our Services